Q+A with Megha Doshi

We caught up with Megha Doshi of Peloton Digital (former Marketing Director at Strava), a road running stud who braved the trails of the Dolomites for a week to join us on our Hut to Hut Trail Running Trip. Thanks for sharing your runcation experience megha!

Name: Megha Doshi

Job: Sr. Director, Peloton Digital

City: Brooklyn, NY

Preferred Running Discipline/Years Running: 24 years, Long Distance

What was your trail running experience before joining a Runcation? It was very little— a few cross country races and seasonal trail runs when I lived in Portland, and SF in nice weather. 

What was the highlight of your Runcation? So many things! I mostly valued the time away to unplug and just have quality conversations with friends and fellow travelers without the constant hum of email, social media, etc. I also loved the family style dinners we had at the huts— so many great conversations over amazing food and wine! And of course, I loved being able to conquer new trails and terrain that I never thought I'd be able to do. 

What was your favorite day on the trails? Oh that's a tough one! But I think the day I enjoyed the most was Day 3: Rifugio Fannes to Refugio Lagazuoi. First off, I loved Rifugio Fannes— it was quiet with amazing views of the countryside and mountains, and the patio outside in the sun made for an amazing place to rest and have a beer when we arrived. The trek to Lagazuoi was challenging, but had so many amazing sections. First we were actually able to run for a few miles, and then dropping into and climbing out of the rocky pass was a very memorable and challenging experience. The final climb through the clouds and fog to Lagazuoi was so different from what we had experienced to that point. The terrain became more barren as we climbed to almost 9,000 feet, and as we got closer to the top, we saw more fellow travelers also going to the top. Even though it was really hard, I remember being pulled along knowing that so many of us were doing it together. It felt so satisfying to make it to the top!

What was the most challenging aspect? Probably some of the more technical and rocky ascents/descents. Though I'm not scared of heights, it was tricky to navigate and have confidence you weren't going to fall backwards or slip forward. But each day, I felt a bit more comfortable with the trails, especially knowing that we had a group with us the whole time. And it was always worth it— the views and constantly changing terrain and fauna were incredible. 

Did you learn anything about trails or trail running? I did! I learned that you can almost always make it, even if what is in front of you seems insurmountable. You just have to trust yourself and trust your legs and slow down if you need to, but never give up. I also became so much more appreciative of the process— sometimes feeling the "flow" of the ground and rocks beneath you instead of focusing on your watch, distance etc.  

Did you take anything away from your Runcation back into your daily life? I definitely took back a greater appreciation for adventuring and being able to truly unplug, something I just don't do enough of. I try to take more time to be totally unplugged— no headphones, no music, no phone— and just be present, which is something I realized while on the Runcation that I don't do enough of.

Anything else to add? This was honestly the best trip I've ever taken and I'd recommend it to anyone!

Thanks for sharing your experience Megha! You can check out the list of our upcoming Runcations here!

Megha Doshi Runcation Dolomites
I learned that you can almost always make it, even if what is in front of you seems insurmountable. You just have to trust yourself and trust your legs and slow down if you need to, but never give up. I also became so much more appreciative of the process — sometimes feeling the “flow” of the ground and rocks beneath you instead of focusing on your watch, distance, etc.
— Megha Doshi
Megha Doshi Lago Di Braies Runcation Dolomites